nsc} Learning Academy

Our nsc} Academy is a place of learning and development and we’re opening the door for our talented people at nsc} to help them grow and progress in their roles at nsc.

We have been working with number of world-class learning providers to assist us with this endeavour. These partnerships enable us to provide learning and development opportunities across skills and capabilities for our employees, as well as management and leadership development.

Many of our clients and partners use the same vendors which creates consistency in training of our talent, making them more agile and adaptable. Currently, we’re working with Skillsoft Percipio and StormWind online learning platforms covering technical training as well as business and leadership skills. Local, compliance and internally designed courses are also part of our nsc} Academy curriculum as well as Induction training for the new starters.

As an example of our agile people development approach, we have recently launched special courses for our employees during these changing times which was greatly appreciated by our people. The learning channels were designed to help IT to manage impact of COVID-19, while exploring technical and self-development video courses on some of the following topics – working remotely, virtual management, your continuous technical training, project management and wellbeing, to name a few.

With employees based across the globe, the nsc} Academy fosters growth, enabling and empowering staff to enrich their current skillset at their own pace. This not only adds value to the company but enhances the employee working experience.