




Looking to upgrade? We’ll do it with no downtime

Due to rapid growth over the last five years, our client needed us to upgrade their WAN infrastructure.

Growing business? We’ll give you a network to match

A client needed us to re-evaluate the design of their production network, due to rapid growth in demand for their  service connectivity.

Moving offices? We’re already there

The client needed help consolidating the IT infrastructure of two offices into their new headquarters.

Need a managed support service? We’ll take care of it

With over 500 corporate customers in 49 countries, our client wanted us to take full responsibility for their global incident management and monitoring centre.

Centralising your it? We’ll be wherever you need us

Our client needed us to represent them in order to help centralise the core IT delivery for one of their clients.

Old telephony network? You made the right call

Our client asked us to upgrade their telephony network, which supported 2,500 staff across multiple sites.

Need a global upgrade? Don’t worry, we’ve done it before

Our client needed us to audit and upgrade their IT infrastructure across 300 global sites.

Need a new datacentre? We’ll tailor the design for you

Our client needed us to design a new data-centre infrastructure that could ensure the continued success of their business.

Project too big to handle? We’ll take care of it for you

Our client needed us to design and implement a new large-scale datacentre.

Impossible deadline? We’ll get it done

Our client asked us to migrate 270 global sites onto their new network in a very aggressive timeframe.

Need better cyber security? We’ve got your back

Having seen a rapid increase in Internet related security threats, our client needed the global capability and technology to support a brand new security architecture.

Need global coverage? We’re here for you

Our client needed a global partner who could help them create a new business-critical web infrastructure.